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瑞典沉奥大学助理教授Stacey Thompson学术报告(题目:Genetic studies of gene flow in Populus)

发布时间 :2013年10月14日 浏览量 :60

报告人:Stacey Thompson 助理教授Umeå University,瑞典题目: Genetic studies of gene flow in Populus

时间: 2013-10-15(星期二)17:00 - 18:00


主持:刘建全 教授


Stacey Thompson 曾在加拿大、美国学习和工作,现为瑞典于沉奥大学助理教授;她长期利用分子遗传数据从事杨属和云杉属物种的进化研究,以第一作者和通讯联系人在Moleuclar Ecology, Evolution等杂志上发表论文多篇;目前主要利用基因组数据研究树木物种的物种形成和基因流。希望从事遗传学、植物学、生态学和动物学有关专业研究的同学和老师参加和讨论。




1. Isabel, Nathalie

Lamothe, Manuel

Thompson, Stacey Lee

A second-generation diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based assay, optimized to distinguish among eight poplar (Populus L.) species and their early hybrids

Tree Genetics & Genomes, 9(2): 621-626



2. Talbot, Patricia

Thompson, Stacey Lee

Schroeder, William; et al.

An efficient single nucleotide polymorphism assay to diagnose the genomic identity of poplar species and hybrids on the Canadian prairies

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41(5): 1102-1111



Thompson, Stacey Lee

Lamothe, Manuel

Meirmans, Patrick G; et al.

Repeated unidirectional introgression towards Populus balsamifera in contact zones of exotic and native poplars.

Molecular Ecology, 19(1): 132-145



3. Thompson, Stacey Lee

Choe, Gina

Ritland, Kermit; et al.

Cryptic sex within male-sterile polyploid populations of the Easter daisy, Townsendia hookeri

International journal of plant sciences, 169(1): 183-193



O'Connell, Lisa M.

4. Ritland, Kermit

Thompson, Stacey Lee

Patterns of post-glacial colonization by western redcedar (Thuja plicata, Cupressaceae) as revealed by microsatellite markers

Botany - Botanique: 194-203



5. Thompson, Stacey Lee

Bérubé, Yanik

Bruneau, Anne; et al.

Three-gene identity coefficients demonstrate that clonal reproduction promotes inbreeding and spatial relatedness in yellow-cedar, Callitropsis nootkatensis

Evolution, 62(10): 2570-2579



6. Thompson, Stacey Lee

A simple procedure for joint estimation of the long-term rates of sexuality and mutation in predominantly clonal populations, for use with dominant molecular markers

Molecular Ecology Notes, 7(4): 567-569



7. Thompson, Stacey Lee

Whitton, Jeannette

Patterns of recurrent evolution and geographic parthenogenesis within apomictic polyploid Easter daises (Townsendia hookeri).

Molecular Ecology, 15(11): 3389-3400



8. Thompson, Stacey Lee

Ritland, Kermit

A novel mating system analysis for modes of self-oriented mating applied to diploid and polyploid arctic Easter daisies (Townsendia hookeri).

Heredity, 97(2): 119-126

Stacey Thompson